
Richard – I can’t thank you enough for helping me with my office supplies. I now have an office I can be proud of because of you. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! You are one of the reasons why we have such a great city. Your willingness to help out as many people as you can is not something everyone does. You do it without hesitation.

The two boxes of supplies were dispersed in less than two days throughout the entire school. The teachers were extremely grateful for the extra supplies. Also, the students who cannot afford three ring binders now have one or two because of you!!

Thank you again!

Christopher W. Lynn Classical High School

Richard and Alan – Thanks again for the Atlantic Liquidators superb service provided to us this past weekend with the office furniture move from Lexington.

My chance encounter with one of your delivery truck drivers in a Burlington, MA office parking lot in 2001 provided me the great opportunity to meet and work with you both over the years.

As has been my experience with your crews in the past, they were extremely professional, efficient, courteous, and careful in moving the items out of our office suite. Please thank them for me!

A number of those items you delivered to us in Lowell over 13 years ago then move them into storage or to Atlantic City in 2003, then to the Lexington office in 2004. Over the years, that complement of office furniture served us well!

Thanks again for taking care of us.. most appreciated…and, if we somehow arrive at a point where we need to set up another office… we do know who to call!

Our best regards to you both in the years to come.

Edward M. Transportation Security Division